$50,000+ Not Reported to CCRA by The Nizkor Project? Nizkor Director Ken McVay is Lying About Funds He Has Apparently NOT Reported to CCRA!! SAAF Reports are Further Proof! V5.0 U_0315
(too old to reply)
Herr Doktor Tavische
2006-03-15 21:47:42 UTC
Did NIZKOR.ORG Director Ken McVay Pay Tax On Those $50k+ Donations He Denies
Receiving From the San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund? Answer: Why would
anyone pay tax on money not received? The fact is-- McVay did receive $50,000
plus via the S.A.A.F. which he denies receiving so it is very compelling he
dodged taxes!!

<<<In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.Sec. 107. - Limitations on exclusive
rights: Fair use [The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by
reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that
section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching
(including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not
an infringement of copyright. [I]n any particular case is a fair use the factors
to be considered shall include - (1) whether such use is of a commercial
nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes.. ((this material is distributed
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes
only. - FAIR USE INTENDED))>>>

Special Note: I give all links to the material I post for verification purposes
and if any link is dead for which I show it was archived locally you need only
request the dead URL's web page complete with all graphics as an offline
viewable web page as either a ZIP or RAR (your choice) and I will upload it to
alt.binaries for you. Also at times my opponents have been known to NUKE
condemning evidence against them from the GOOGLE Archives as well to cover their
tracks and then act as if they never made the post in the first place. All
USENET posts which show "Archived locally as: whatever" are also in my own
database. Also here is the GOOGLE USENET search URL:

The Nizkor Project -- Ken McVay Director
P.O. Box 244, Station A
Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Canada


"[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more complicated-they're always
contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself becomes self-evident."
-- Ken McVay, director of the Nizkor Project
(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: peacenik13_2)

My terse reply to Ken McVay's statement above: "You prove your lies are self
evident with your own words you obvious tax dodger con-man liar!"

Ken McVay first denies receiving money from "San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund." [documented and archived locally (in case the web pages get
pulled) and all URLs are given by me for verification purposes]


From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Kenneth McVay, OBC)
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: STILL Waiting for Donnie..... (Or "Bradbury: Wrong Again")
Date: 5 Jan 2001 00:32:08 GMT
Organization: The Nizkor Project
Message-ID: <9334m8$1nm1$***@news.tht.net>
(Archived locally as: McVayEXHIBIT1)

Mr. Bradbury, wishing to demonstrate how ill-equipped he is to deal with
evidence of any sort, offers the following information:

====================== Begin Bradbury Quote ========================


For those who are curious, here the details of
<http://www.geektools.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?query=MAZAL.ORG> the neutral
people behind Mr Mazal: His above website is registered by the "San
Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" c/o BASIC of 600 Sandau Suite 400,
San Antonio, TX 78216, in Texas, USA. The billing contact is Mr Harry
Mazal of the same address: San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund c/o
BASIC, 600 Sandau, Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78216, and their phone
number is 210-377-2422. Somebody might like to check them out in more
details. We will be happy in the spirit of openness to post all that we
are told of these people. It is the old Nizkor gang at work again.

Start pulling up as many of Ken McVay's denials of having Nizkor
operations in Texas from the archives. I would do it but I have to go to
work now. Rev is digging them up also as we speak.
Of course, Donnie -- so you can spam them a few hundred times, or produce a
cut-and-paste forgery like you did last year with that newswire article you
ripped off from Reuters and massaged it to make it look like I'd been
arrested in a city I didn't visit until five months after the story's date.
Who do you think you're fooling this time?
It should be interesting waiting for Donnie to produce evidence that
any such "operation" exists. I figure I should be able to work through
several million additional web pages while we wait.....
I just proved you to be a liar Ken McVay with the information posted
above! Notice the info is fairly current and is not outdated by any means!
Your organization is named! Care to deny it now liar?
He seems to have a problem with his reading comprehension :-)
How does your reading comprehension interpret the info below? (snicker

Whois: mazal.org
Server: -automatic-

San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund c/o BASIC (MAZAL2-DOM)
600 Sandau Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78216

<<Tavish comment September 28, 2005: Michael Ragland got the same return and
posted it as evidenced by this archive (which I show in full further down):
From: ***@webtv.net (Michael Ragland)
Subject: Re: Some Holes, Some Holocaust (Danny Keren)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 23:19:26 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <14152-3D1BD5BE-***@storefull-2253.public.lawson.webtv.net>
References: <***@sympatico.ca>
(Archived locally as: WhoIsSAAFmazal)>>

====================== End Bradbury Quote ========================

What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I
direct, has any association whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund."

That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very bright.

The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the United
States Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from
the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"

For further information, review the file which Mr. Ellis and Mr. Bradbury
continue to ignore:

EXHIBIT 2: (McVay cited the link above and here are the contents in part)

(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: SAAF_NizkorWEB)

What did you do with the $50,000 given to you to start a Nizkor
operation in San Antonio? Since you claim you don't have a San
Antonio operation, is it safe to say that you simply embezzled
the money?
No one ever gave me $50,000. That sum was donated to the San Antonio
Area Foundation... The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me -
or anyone else, to my knowledge...

The computers are in use to this day, confronting and refuting
Holocaust denial, but I have nothing to do with their operation,
maintanence or development.

You can verify their existence by visiting
http://www.holocaust-history.org and http://thhp.org.

I have no association with either organization, and never have. Should
you have further questions, I suggest that you contact Robert
Washington, Patrick Groff, Mark S. Freedman or Harry W. Mazal...
Or did you lie (you seem to be good at that lately) about not
having a Nizkor connection in San Antonio?
I have no connection in San Antonio, and neither does Nizkor. Get used
to it.


Exhibit 3:

From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Kenneth McVay, OBC)
Subject: BabbleTubby's Bullshit
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 05:35:30 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: The Nizkor Project, http://www.nizkor.org/
Message-ID: <9l2g72$23od$***@news.tht.net>
(Archived locally as: McVayEXHIBIT3)

In article <***@news.abccom.bc.ca>,
Ken Lewis <***@netbbistro.com> wrote:

[TubbyBlubber excised]
As the sniveling, cowardly Bradshit well knows, there is no
endowment fund nor a trust fund.
Incorrect. The San Antonio Area Foundation maintains an endowment fund
for any organization they support. Ten per cent of all monies donated
go directly into an endowment fund, so that, eventually, the fund
will fuel itself.

SAAF bylaws state that the first $10,000 donated must go into the
creation of an endowment fund maintained as a part of the trust.
That endowment fund, however, has absolutely nothing to do with the
Nizkor Project, nor has the Nizkor Project ever benefited from such a

It's entertaining watching BlubberBabble try to make sense of it all,
and it's worth noting that he hasn't contacted any of the people at
SAAF for further information, as I suggested. That suggests that, as
always, he doesn't give a rat's ass for the truth.



Exhibit 4: (Notice the public posting was made! December 30, 2002)

Subject: Re: What did Kenny McVay do with money he claims he never got?
Reply-To: ***@nizkor.org
Organization: The Nizkor Project, http://www.nizkor.org/
Message-ID: <xO%P9.1985$***@news.nnrp.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
(Archived locally McVay-12-30-2002DENIAL)

...The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the
United States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any
money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio
Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to my knowledge... I have no
connection in San Antonio, and neither does Nizkor. Get used to it...


(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)

End of Kenneth McVay's (Director of The Nizkor Project) own documented words
denying he has ever received any money or benefit from the San Antonio Area
Foundation OR "The San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund."



New additions to V2.0 version (November 22, 2003):

(Archived locally as: linksengl)
House of the Wannsee Conference
Memorial and Educational Site
Related Links




The Mazal Library - A Holocaust Resource
c/o The San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund
600 Sandau, San Antonio, Tx 78216


Searched the web for Nizkor "San Antonio Area Foundation". Results 1 - 12 of
about 35 (Search done November 22, 2003 5:51AM CST. Return page archived locally
as: GOOGLEsaaf2Nizkor)

Sample returns:

Real History and the Jewish Holocaust controversy
... His above website is registered by the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor
Fund" c/o BASIC of 600 Sandau Suite 400, San Antonio, TX 78216, in Texas, USA.

Put up or shut up, Mr. Giwer
... scientific standards, Mr. Giwer will agree to the immediate release of the
trust funds to the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund as a tax-exempt
donation. ... <<Tavish comment November 23, 2003: I thought Ken McVay has
claimed to not be associated with "the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund"
yet there is Ken McVay trying to get Mr. Giwer to donate!!>>

linksengl1 http://www.ghwk.de/engl/linksengl1.htm
... The Mazal Library - A Holocaust Resource c/o The San Antonio Area Foundation
- Nizkor Fund 600 Sandau, San Antonio, Tx 78216

[PDF] Financials 2000 3-01 http://www.saafdn.org/pdf/Fin2000.pdf
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... 3 Fund Types The San Antonio Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the
quality of ... Katz Memorial Trust Beta and Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund Nizkor
Fund Mary ...

[PDF] 2002 Annual Report http://www.saafdn.org/pdf/AnnRpt2002.pdf
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... Lemuel G. Hodgkins Trust Dan and Gloria Oppenheimer Fund San Antonio Area
Foundation Community Fund ... Fund Beta and Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund Nizkor
(USA) Fund ...

New additions for September 28, 2005:
[PDF] 2003 Annual ReportFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
(Archived locally as: AnnRpt2003)
San Antonio Area Foundation Strategic Initiative Fund. George Weldon Sheffield
Fund ... Nizkor (USA) Fund to Combat Racism & Anti-Semitism in Mass Media ...

Here is the San Antonio Area Foundation web site showing again in 2004 that
Nizkor received funding:

(Archived locally as: SAAF_NizkorFund_2004)
Results from This Site: 1 - 1 of 1 total results for Nizkor

... M. and Felix J. Katz Memorial Trust Ruth Lang Charitable Fund Beta and
Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund Nizkor (USA) Fund to Combat Racism & Anti-Semitism
in Mass Media James and Alberta Otterpohl Fund ...
http://www.saafdn.org/docs/annual_report/annualReport_current.pdf - 384k -
(Archived locally as: annualReport_current.pdf)
I have reports on file for years 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004 proving San Antonio
Area Foundation doled out money to the Nizkor Fund which Ken McVay was the
recipient!! Anyone wanting the pdf files need only download them or if they get
pulled I can post them to alt.binaries.



(Archived locally as: NizkorUSA)
Shofar FTP Archive File: people/s/streicher.julius/streicher-pornographer-03

Nizkor (USA) - An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
Anonymous ftp: http://ftp.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi?
European mirror: http://www1.de.nizkor.org/~nizkor/
Nizkor Web: http://www.nizkor.org/

<<Tavish comment November 22, 2003: The above is from the Nizkor Project web
site solely operated by Ken McVay and the sig line plainly shows: "Nizkor (USA)
- An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource" which contradicts Ken McVay's
statement: "The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within
the United States." and "I have no connection in San Antonio, and neither does
Nizkor. Get used to it" This contradiction must be what Ken McVay was referring
to when he stated: ""[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more
complicated-they're always contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself
becomes self-evident.">>

Here is another example from the Nizkor Project which proves Nizkor has
operations in the United States:

(Archived locally as: NizkorUSA2)
Shofar FTP Archive File: camps/auschwitz/victims/numbers.killed

Nizkor (USA) - An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
Nizkor Web: http://www.nizkor.org/
Anonymous ftp: http://ftp.nizkor.org/ftp.cgi?
European mirror: http://www1.de.nizkor.org/~nizkor/

And be sure to check out:

The sig line is essentially the same as the first example except for the added
link: http://www1.us.nizkor.org/~fatbroad

Those US and USA connections are to San Antonio, Texas as proven further down
and Ken McVay has stated concerning the San Antonio operation (as shown above in
this posting) in part: "The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me - or
anyone else, to my knowledge... The computers are in use to this day... but I
have nothing to do with their operation, maintanence or development. You can
verify their existence by visiting http://www.holocaust-history.org and
http://thhp.org. I have no association with either organization, and never have.
Should you have further questions, I suggest that you contact.. Harry W.

<End of New additions to V2.0 version (November 22, 2003)>

Here is what the San Antonio Area Foundation reported for Year 2000:

[Link active for downloading and for verification November 20, 2003.
(I have already downloaded and archived the PDF in case it becomes
unavailable for some reason.)]

Our mission: Helping donors achieve their charitable goals
Annual Report 2000
San Antonio Area Foundation
Growing to Give, Giving to Grow

Page 3
Fund Types
The San Antonio Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality
of life in our community through funding that impacts vital nonprofit
organizations so they can help people in time of need.

Discretionary Funds
These funds enable the Area Foundation to respond
flexibly to changing community needs and emergencies.
Decisions on how to most appropriately use these
funds are left to the discretion of the Area Foundation’s
Advisory Committees and Board of Directors. Any size
gift may be given as a discretionary gift.
You’ll find many reasonable options for creating your
own fund in the paragraphs that follow. However,
if you wish to contribute to the work of the Area
Foundation and do not see an option that suits your
plan for giving, we invite you to contribute to an
existing discretionary fund. One of the many advantages
of this type of giving is that there is no minimum
contribution — you may give as little or as much as
you wish, as often as you wish.


Unrestricted Net Assets
AS OF DECEMBER 31 , 2000
Discretionary (unrestricted) 20 %
Donor Advised Funds 36 %
Designated Funds 4 %
Field of Interest Funds 23 %
Scholarship Funds 17 %

Page 4
Discretionary Funds
Alamo Fund
Phoebe P. and John H. Foster Memorial Fund
Nat and Mannie Goldsmith Memorial Trust
Ruth Lang Charitable Fund


Beulah M. and Felix J. Katz Memorial Trust
Beta and Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund
Nizkor Fund
Mary Kay Owens Memorial Fund
Gaynelle and Gene Rankin Endowment Trust


Post Office Box 120366 I San Antonio, Texas 78212
210-225-2243 I 210-225-1980 Fax
w w w. s a a f d n . o r g


I could not find a report for Year 2001 BUT Year 2002 reads virtually the same
as Year 2000 and for a fact the "Nizkor Fund" received money from the San
Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"!!

(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: AnnRpt2002)

The Nizkor Fund is listed again as being a recipient for Year 2002 yet Ken McVay
denies receiving ANY money from the San Antonio Area Foundation in a public
posting dated December 30, 2002!! I guess the San Antonio Area Foundation lies
about who it disburses funding to!!

Subject: Re: What did Kenny McVay do with money he claims he never got?
Reply-To: ***@nizkor.org
Organization: The Nizkor Project, http://www.nizkor.org/
Message-ID: <xO%P9.1985$***@news.nnrp.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
(Archived locally McVay-12-30-2002DENIAL)

The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the
United States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any
money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" AND you are also
on record as stating: "...The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid
me - or anyone else, to my knowledge... I have no connection in San Antonio,
and neither does Nizkor. Get used to it" on June 2, 2000.


(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)

Funny thing that McVay is laughing at me and saying such as: "What Mr. Bradbury
has failed to demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I direct, has any
association whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund."
That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very bright."

Here is Ken McVay's very own Nizkor web site showing Ken McVay was a recipient
of San Antonio Area Foundation funding back in 1996!

(Link November 20, 2003 and no disclaimers are made!! Archived locally as:

Shofar FTP Archive File: people/m/mcvay.ken/press/express-news.960803

San Antonio Express-News
August 3, 1996
Page 10B

"Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten"
By Thomas Edwards
Express-News Staff Writer

"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a
solemn promise Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to
the Internet so that people will never forget the atrocities of
Nazi Germany.

Now his task has gotten a little easier with a $50,000 grant from
the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation to the Nizkor
Project, an international computer web site directed by the 55-
year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada...

The Nizkor Project is not only a tool to fight bigotry, it has
also "make an impact in terms of Holocaust education," McVay said.

Some of the new material he will add to the web site -- which
will have sound and movement -- includes speeches by Nazi
statesmen advocating genocide, 68 volumes of military
documentation from the Nuremburg war crimes tribunals and
material from the National Archives in Washington.

Some of the new material is being donated by San Antonio resident
Harry Mazal, who is the director of the Nizkor Project in the
United States. Mazal also has one of the world's largest private
collections of Holocaust material... <END>

Here is a link to the original news source and its archive regarding the above
article which proves Ken McVay lied when he has plainly stated: "No one ever
gave me $50,000. That sum was donated to the San Antonio Area Foundation... The
San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to my knowledge.
" (Quoted and source shown higher up in this post.)

At the link above enter "Nizkor $50,000" into the search field, and
select these options:
Return: Best Matches First
Limit Search by Source Name: San Antonio Express-News
Limit Search by Date:
Activate search and you get:

1 record(s) found (Search results: 1 - 1)

(This is the return I got on November 21, 2003 12:35AM CST)
(Archived locally as: SAE-N080396)

August 3, 1996 San Antonio Express-News
Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten

Thomas Edwards Express-News Staff Writer

"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a solemn promise
Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to the Internet so that people will
never forget the atrocities of Nazi Germany. Now his task has gotten a little
easier with a $50,000 grant from the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation
to the Nizkor Project, an international computer web site directed by the
55-year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada.The Nizkor project

[View the full-text article, 526 words]

<End of search return>

Also keep in mind though McVay currently states (as shown at the top of this
document): _"What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate is that The Nizkor
Project, which I direct, has any association whatsoever with the "San Antonio
Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund." That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very bright.
The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the United
States Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from
the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"_

On the other hand Ken McVay has posted this about his relationship with his
funding partner:

(Archived locally as: McVaySlamDunked_A5 and McVaySlamDunked_A6)
Subject: SAAF San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund -- Some New Archives
and The Same Funding Lie by Ken McVay Exposed V3-0 T_0822
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 23 Aug 2005 04:32:17 GMT

(Archived locally as: SAAF_1)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: The Nizkor Project appreciates your support
Date: 1996/09/05
Message-ID: <50n608$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
x-network: http://www.nizkor.org/
organization: The Nizkor Project
x-search: http://search.nizkor.org/search.html
462 - 1150 North Terminal Avenue
Nanaimo, BC V9S 5T8
CA 1-604-382-0615
As Giwer has been so kind to repeatedly post this address, I would like
to point out that while this is not the best address to use, you can
send contributions to the Nizkor Project to this address. They will be
properly received and placed to good use. You will receive a Canadian
Tax receipt for your donation (which will work just fine in Canada no
matter what Matt Giwer insists). If you wish to make an American
contribution for an American tax receipt, there is a different address
(which maybe Giwer will decide to post one day.)
Correct - but using that address may result in a delay of up
to a month in issuance of your receipt. It would be best to
use the address posted at http://www.nizkor.org/funding.html:

Congregation Emmanu-El / Nizkor Project...

In the United States, checks should be made payable to:


and should be mailed to:

San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566

We thank Dr. Mittleman for pointing this out, and thank all of
you who have sent your donations in support of the Nizkor

The funds you have provided have been used to provide substantial
improvements in service.
The Nizkor Project | http://www.nizkor.org/


But I thought Ken McVay claimed: _"What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate
is that The Nizkor Project, which I direct, has any association whatsoever with
the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund." That is because Mr. Bradbury is
not very bright. The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever
within the United States Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever
received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"_

Look at who isn't very bright!!! Ken McVay is a liar plain and simple.

(Archived locally as: SAAF_2)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: Re: McVay's Addresses & Phone Numbers again
Date: 1996/09/15
Message-ID: <51hqme$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project

... The correct information for donations is as

Donations for the Project's efforts may be made payable to...

In the United States, checks should be made payable to:


and should be mailed to:

San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566

Tel: (210) 225-2243
Fax: (210) 225-1980

<<Tavish comment September 28, 2005: Those phone numbers are the same ones that
San Antonio Area Foundation gives out at its web site YET McVay claims to have
no connection with the SAAF or to have ever received any funding from them!!!
http://www.saafdn.org/ (Archived locally as: SAAFinfo)
San Antonio Area Foundation
110 Broadway, Suite 230 | San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: 210.225.2243 Fax: 210.225.1980 Email: ***@saafdn.org >>


More of Ken McBray contradicting himself and proving what a bold faced liar he
truly is:

(Archived locally as: SAAF_3)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: American funding for the Nizkor Project
Date: 1996/06/15
Message-ID: <4pvl6g$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
X-Deja-AN: 160389285
references: <4or264$***@useneta1.news.prodigy.com>
<***@news.annap.infi.net> <4pv7ht$***@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
organization: The Nizkor Project
"Supposedly a synagogue is collected tax free
contributions for Nizkor even though Nizkor does not
have tax exempt status. "
This is the Troll who has to put his stamp on every thread no matter
But he's our troll :-)

Let him explain this one:

In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to:


and should be mailed to:

San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566



But Ken are you trying to tell us that after all of your begging for funds
to The Nizkor Project via the San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund that you
never received any money as you are on record as claiming--> "The Nizkor Project
has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the United States. Neither The
Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the "San Antonio
Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"

This one is a real eye opener!!!

From: Laura Finsten <***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: Re: Yet another Nazional Appliance Illiteracy Alert!
Date: 1997/06/08
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.970608110523.5876A-***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
References: <***@dreamon.com>

On Sat, 7 Jun 1997, Michael wrote:

All your b s aside above (as though Bnai Brith only took checks and
gave them to Nizkor; all innocent and stuff. Ask any professional who
deals with not-for-profits about the ease of shuffling funds.)
I have no idea how common such "shuffling [of] funds" may be. But the key
issue here is whether you have any evidence at all to support your much
repeatedly but utterly empty claim that this is the case with the
arrangement between Nizkor and B'nai Brith? I don't see any of you trying
to smear the San Antonio Area Foundation which, ironically, has probably
provided more funding for the project since it has a far larger pool of
donors to draw upon....

~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~

I ask everyone-- Who is the liar? Ken McVay or Laura Finsten?

Ken McVay still claims: "Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever
received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" AND
".... The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to
my knowledge..." YET Laura Finsten plainly stated: "the San Antonio Area
Foundation which, ironically, has probably provided more funding for the
project" referring to the Nizkor Project.

Remember everyone what McVay has claimed about never receiving any money from
the San Antonio Area Foundation when you read this:

(Archived locally as: KleinsorgNizkorFinancing)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: Nizkor Project financing and Kleinsorg's slandering Germans
Date: 1996/06/15
First tell us who is financing your Nizkor, then we perahps can
Thank you for bringing that up, Mr. Kleinsorg. I am financed
by thousands of "just plain folks" who wish to support my
work. In Canada, they make their cheques payable to

Congregation Emmanu-El / Nizkor Project

and mail them to:

Congregation Emmanu-El / Nizkor Project
1461 Blanshard St.
Victoria, BC
V8W 2J3

In the United States, they make their cheques payable to:


and mail them to:

San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566

Once again, Mr. Kleinsorg, thank you for asking. I trust this
open, public response will satisfy your query.

By the way, Mr. Kleinsorg... now that I have responded openly
and honestly to your question, perhaps you can tell us what
difference it makes who finances my work... you are still
slandering Germans, and the German military, and I fail to see
how my financing changes that.
The Nizkor Project (Canada) - An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
[Ftp] http://www.almanac.bc.ca/cgi-bin/ftp.pl?
[Europe] ftp://nizkor.iam.uni-bonn.de/pub/nizkor/
http://www.almanac.bc.ca/ (Under construction - permanently!)......unlearn

~~End of GOOGLE Archive~~

If Ken McVay and his Nizkor has never received any money from the
San Antonio Area Foundation then why did he include the San Antonio
Area Foundation as a source which "finances [his] work"?

(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_1 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_2)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: McVay Confirms Nizkor's ADL Connection: Mossad and ARA Also Allies.
Date: 1997/06/05
McVay admits the ADL collects and disburses the money to Nizkor.
American funds donated to The Nizkor Project are handled by the San Antonio Area


(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_3 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_4)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: Nizkor under B'nai B'rith auspices?!
Date: 1997/05/22
Message-ID: <5m1sqg$rse$***@eclipse.txdirect.net>
References: <5m11au$***@access1.digex.net>
(Archived locally as: mSteinSAAF-Niz-Fund)
Organization: The Nizkor Project
As you could tell from the Nizkor web page, Nizkor's funding in Canada
is now coordinated through the Zikaron Tolerance and Remembrance Society,
an independent organization. In the United States, it is channeled
through the Nizkor Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation, which is a San
Antonio umbrella organization something like the United Way.
<<Tavish comment September 28, 2005: Notice that Ken McVay did not disagree with
Mike Stein stating: "In the United States, it is channeled through the Nizkor
Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation...?">>

...Canadian _national_ funding is now managed by the B'nai Brith Foundation...
In short, the B'nai Brith Foundation operates exactly as does the San Antonio
Area Foundation - as an umbrella organization dealing with human rights
organizations like Nizkor... Frankly, I am gratified when Nizkor's data is
attacked on the basis of our funding partners...

<<Tavish comment September 28, 2005: Notice Ken McVay includes the "Nizkor Fund
of the San Antonio Area Foundation" as a "funding partner?">>


The term AUDIT keeps popping up in my mind!

Attention lurkers-- these are the contacts to report Ken McVay:
Auditor - CCRA:
***@pwgsc.gc.ca, ***@rc.gc.ca
For office phone numbers and addresses, please visit our "Contact us" page
at http://www.ccra.gc.ca/contact.

New addition February 6, 2004:
(Snail Mail Contact Info)

2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1A8

McVay lied when he said that $50,000 was donated to "the San Antonio Area
Foundation"-- that $50,000 was donated to Ken McVay and his Nizkor Project by
"the San Antonio Area Foundation"!! As a reminder Ken McVay did state these
words about liars being self evident in their lies (as quoted from higher up in
this post): "[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more
complicated-they're always contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself
becomes self-evident."

More evidence Ken McVay received donations from The San Antonio Area Foundation:

Archived locally as: mcvay-internet_fighter

Note to the reader: This article, written by Michelle Betz, was published in the
March 9, 1995 issue of The Jewish Western Bulletin.



McVay's Internet work, now known officially as the Nizkor Project, began as a
one-man show, "where one person's sort of trying to do it all and run a gas
station at the same time. It's sort of amazing that it works at all. That's why
it takes so much time."

McVay uses his own outdated and old computer equipment. Until a public appeal,
McVay had been assuming all costs himself and had little, if any, outside
financial support. Last autumn, worried that his system might die, the media
launched an appeal.

Things have changed.

McVay now has a scanner donated by the Vancouver-based Committee for Racial
Justice, which means he doesn't have to input all information by hand. A company
owned by Jews in Nova Scotia (McVay doesn't want the name released publicly) has
donated some equipment to help his faltering hard drives.

A former computer salesman, McVay believes that to do the job properly would
cost a minimum of $30,000 in addition to an annual cost of about $10,000 for an
Internet connection. But, he said, the expensive part is his personal time.

McVay has also paid a physical price. As a direct result of the hours of typing,
he suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and was forced to wear braces on both
his arms a couple of years ago.

McVay has also found some outside backing - an American who will provide "some
pretty solid financial backing for the project." A 77-year-old businessman and
Holocaust scholar from Texas will fund legal expenses incurred in setting up the
project. McVay will then further establish the Nizkor Project in Canada.

"We are in the process of establishing a non-profit organization in the U.S.
That should be operational within a month or six weeks and that foundation will
undoubtedly fund the establishment of the Canadian foundation by the same name,"
he explained, referring to the Nizkor Project..."


| Hilary's Home Page http://www3.telus.net/myssiwyg/hropage.html
| The Un-Index http://www3.telus.net/myssiwyg/index.html
| All About Hilary http://www3.telus.net/myssiwyg/hro.html


The person referred to with the sentence: "A 77-year-old businessman and
Holocaust scholar from Texas will fund legal expenses incurred in setting
up the project." is Harry Mazal who is based in San Antonio, Texas and who
also administered the San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"!!


From: ***@webtv.net (Michael Ragland)
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Some Holes, Some Holocaust (Danny Keren)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 23:19:26 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <14152-3D1BD5BE-***@storefull-2253.public.lawson.webtv.net>
References: <***@sympatico.ca>
(Archived locally as: WhoIsSAAFmazal)

Veri Sign Whois

Enter mazal.org and read results

You are Here:WHOIS -> Search Results
Search Results

San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund c/o BASIC (MAZAL2-DOM)
600 Sandau Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78216 US
Domain Name: MAZAL.ORG
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Mazal, Harry (HM1296) ***@TXDIRECT.NET
The Mazal
Library 600 Sandau, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78216 US
Record expires on 28-Jun-2006.
Record created on 27-Jun-1997.
Database last updated on 27-Jun-2002 22:55:14 EDT.



(Link November 20, 2003 and no disclaimers are made!! Archived locally as:

..The Nizkor Project is not only a tool to fight bigotry, it has
also "make an impact in terms of Holocaust education," McVay said.

Some of the new material he will add to the web site -- which
will have sound and movement -- includes speeches by Nazi
statesmen advocating genocide, 68 volumes of military
documentation from the Nuremburg war crimes tribunals and
material from the National Archives in Washington.

Some of the new material is being donated by San Antonio resident
Harry Mazal, who is the director of the Nizkor Project in the
United States. Mazal also has one of the world's largest private
collections of Holocaust material...

AS A BONUS-- Here is Ken McVay also caught lying by your's truly about having
operations in San Antonio, Texas at any time! Notice he claims one thing and
then another as I showed him doing concerning his funding above!

Here is Ken McVay stating: "The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me -
or anyone else, to my knowledge... The computers are in use to this day... but I
have nothing to do with their operation, maintanence or development. I have no
association with either organization, and never have..."

The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to my
knowledge. They have, however, invested the donation as they were directed and
legally bound to do.

The computers are in use to this day, confronting and refuting
Holocaust denial, but I have nothing to do with their operation,
maintanence or development.

You can verify their existence by visiting
http://www.holocaust-history.org and http://thhp.org.

I have no association with either organization, and never have. Should
you have further questions, I suggest that you contact.. Harry W. Mazal...
(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: SAAF_NizkorWEB)

Notice computers are mentioned PLUS Ken McVay denied EVER having anything to do
with either organization! That is simply false! Notice one person mentioned is
Harry Mazal OBE? He was the official US Nizkor rep as this archive proves:

From: ***@txdirect.net (Harry W. Mazal OBE)
Subject: Re: The New, "Interactive" Ernst Zundel
Date: 1997/03/25
Message-ID: <***@news.txdirect.net>
(Archived locally as: Mazal2Nizkor)

My friend and colleague, Mr. McVay suggests that I "interact" with Mr.

Harry W. Mazal OBE

Nizkor (USA) An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
Over 1000 Megs of data: http://www.nizkor.org
Europe: ftp://nizkor.iam.uni-bonn.de/pub/nizkor/
Nizkor Web: http://www.nizkor.org (Under construction - permanently!)

Yet Ken McVay stated (as shown higher up): "The computers are in use to this
day, confronting and refuting Holocaust denial, but I have nothing to do with
their operation, maintanence or development. You can verify their existence by
visiting http://www.holocaust-history.org and http://thhp.org.
I have no association with either organization, and never have. Should
you have further questions, I suggest that you contact... Harry W. Mazal, OBE.."

Ken McVay lied and I ask if Ken never had anything to do with Harry Mazal then
why did Harry Mazal post such as: "My friend and colleague, Mr. McVay suggests
that I "interact" with Mr. Zundel... Harry W. Mazal OBE Nizkor (USA) An
Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource"?

Furthermore many "organizations" are actually the person who runs them.
I.E. NIZKOR.ORG is really a web site solely operated by Ken McVay- hence Nizkor
is Ken McVay! (All domain registration searches done with:

Domain ID:D1320787-LROR
Domain Name:NIZKOR.ORG
Created On:18-Jul-1996 04:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:29-May-2003 14:08:46 UTC
Expiration Date:17-Jul-2004 04:00:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R28-LROR
Registrant ID:qqnedi0206384499
Registrant Name:The Nizkor Project
Registrant Street1:P.O. Box 244, Station A
Registrant City:Nanaimo
Registrant State/Province:BC
Registrant Postal Code:V9R5K9
Registrant Country:CA
Registrant Phone:+1.4169660461
Registrant Email:***@VERITAS.NIZKOR.ORG
Admin ID:dwgqvr0451303030
Admin Name:Kenneth McVay
Admin Organization:McVay Consulting
Admin Street1:P.O. Box 244, Station A
Admin City:Nanaimo
Admin State/Province:BC
Admin Postal Code:V9R5K9
Admin Country:CA
Admin Phone:+1.4169660461
Billing ID:fpowmu0556017601
Billing Name:Kenneth McVay
Billing Organization:McVay Consulting
Billing Street1:P.O. Box 244, Station A
Billing City:Nanaimo
Billing State/Province:BC
Billing Postal Code:V9R5K9
Billing Country:CA
Billing Phone:+1.4169660461
Billing Email:***@nizkor.org
Tech ID:mxduky0549068729
Tech Name:Kenneth McVay
Tech Organization:McVay Consulting
Tech Street1:P.O. Box 244, Station A
Tech City:Nanaimo
Tech State/Province:BC
Tech Postal Code:V9R5K9
Tech Country:CA
Tech Phone:+1.4169660461
Tech Email:***@nizkor.org
Name Server:NS.VEX.NET

(The above result is dated November 21, 2003 and was archived locally as:

The two organizations Ken McVay named above and claimed in relation to them:
"http://www.holocaust-history.org and http://thhp.org. I have no association
with either organization, and never have.." Two lies and here is the proof McVay

http://www.holocaust-history.org aka holocaust-history.org

Domain ID:D706296-LROR
Created On:17-Sep-1997 04:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:23-Sep-2003 01:22:13 UTC
Expiration Date:16-Sep-2009 04:00:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R63-LROR
Registrant ID:20426070-NSI
Registrant Name:The Holocaust History Project
Registrant Organization:The Holocaust History Project
Registrant Street1:600 Sandau Suite 400
Registrant City:San Antonio
Registrant State/Province:TX
Registrant Postal Code:78216
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Email:***@TXDIRECT.NET
Admin ID:19651218-NSI
Admin Name:The Mazal Library
Admin Organization:The Mazal Library
Admin Street1:600 Sandau, Suite 400
Admin City:San Antonio
Admin State/Province:TX
Admin Postal Code:78216
Admin Country:US
Admin Email:***@TXDIRECT.NET
Billing ID:19651218-NSI
Billing Name:The Mazal Library
Billing Organization:The Mazal Library
Billing Street1:600 Sandau, Suite 400
Billing City:San Antonio
Billing State/Province:TX
Billing Postal Code:78216
Billing Country:US
Billing Email:***@TXDIRECT.NET
Tech ID:19651218-NSI
Tech Name:The Mazal Library
Tech Organization:The Mazal Library
Tech Street1:600 Sandau, Suite 400
Tech City:San Antonio
Tech State/Province:TX
Tech Postal Code:78216
Tech Country:US
Tech Email:***@TXDIRECT.NET
Name Server:NS1.VERDAD.ORG

(The above result is dated November 21, 2003 and was archived locally as:

Remember this what NETSOL returned June 27, 2002 as archived at GOOGLE:

From: ***@webtv.net (Michael Ragland)
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: Re: Some Holes, Some Holocaust (Danny Keren)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 23:19:26 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <14152-3D1BD5BE-***@storefull-2253.public.lawson.webtv.net>
References: <***@sympatico.ca>
(Archived locally as: WhoIsSAAFmazal)

Veri Sign Whois

Enter mazal.org and read results

You are Here:WHOIS -> Search Results
Search Results

San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund c/o BASIC (MAZAL2-DOM)
600 Sandau Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78216 US
Domain Name: MAZAL.ORG
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Mazal, Harry (HM1296) ***@TXDIRECT.NET
The Mazal
Library 600 Sandau, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78216 US
Record expires on 28-Jun-2006.
Record created on 27-Jun-1997.
Database last updated on 27-Jun-2002 22:55:14 EDT.


operations of any sort whatsoever within the United States. Neither The Nizkor
Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the "San Antonio Area
Foundation - Nizkor Fund" AND " I have no association with either organization,
and never have.." and one organization being Harry Mazal's San Antonio Nizkor
Operation and Nizkor Fund!! How many lies have I caught the director of The
Nizkor Project in with this one post?

Here is just one more lie exposed. First McVay denies ever having any
association with Harry Mazal's web site and he also denied having any
association with http://thhp.org



Domain ID:D22645286-LROR
Domain Name:THHP.ORG
Created On:17-Mar-2000 14:46:43 UTC
Last Updated On:18-Oct-2003 21:49:38 UTC
Expiration Date:17-Mar-2004 14:46:43 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R71-LROR
Registrant ID:C4441068-RCOM
Registrant Name:Jamie McCarthy
Registrant Organization:JamieMcCarthy
Registrant Street1:P.O.Box20394
Registrant City:Kalamazoo
Registrant State/Province:MI
Registrant Postal Code:49019
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.6163757637
Registrant Email:***@mccarthy.org
Admin ID:C6264562-RCOM
Admin Name:Jamie McCarthy
Admin Organization:JamieMcCarthy
Admin Street1:P.O.Box20394
Admin City:Kalamazoo
Admin State/Province:MI
Admin Postal Code:49019
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.6163757528
Admin Email:***@mccarthy.org
Billing ID:C37271511-RCOM
Billing Name:Register.com,Inc Finance
Billing Organization:Register.com,Inc.
Billing Street1:5758thAvenue
Billing City:NewYork
Billing State/Province:NY
Billing Postal Code:10018
Billing Country:US
Billing Phone:+1.8008899723
Billing Email:***@register.com
Tech Name:Domain Registrar
Tech Organization:Register.Com
Tech Street1:5758thAvenue
Tech City:NewYork
Tech State/Province:NY
Tech Postal Code:10018
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.9027492701
Tech Email:domain-***@register.com

(The above result is dated November 21, 2003 and was archived locally as:

Well I'll be that web site McVay denies ever having any connection with is an
offshoot of Harry Mazal's and for a fact Jamie McCarthy is a former "aide" to
McVay as this archive proves:

From: ***@voyager.net (Jamie McCarthy)
Subject: Re: the new, revised Nizkor
Date: 1996/12/03
Message-ID: <jamie-***@clmx43.dial.voyager.net>
references: <***@news.gte.net>
organization: Voyager Information Networks, Inc.
newsgroups: alt.revisionism
(Archived locally as: McCarthyNIZKOR)




Canadian income tax receipts will be issued.


In the United States, donations for the project's efforts should be
made payable to:

San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund

and should be mailed to:

San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566

American donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of
the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or
gifts are deductible for federal, estate, and gift tax purposes if
they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106 and

We very much appreciate your donations, which assist in the
development and enhancement of The Nizkor Project website. Thank You.
Jamie McCarthy http://www.absence.prismatix.com/jamie/
***@voyager.net Co-Webmaster of http://www.nizkor.org/

Also BTW Jamie McCarthy's web site <www.thhp.org> links right back to Harry
Mazal's web site in San Antonio and is proven with the donations link given at
McCarthy's web site which is:
(Special note November 21, 2003: If you click <www.thhp.org> you get redirected
to: http://www.holocaust-history.org/ ) [Archived locally as: thhpORGhome]

Now after being redirected scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the
link for: "If you are interested in making a donation, please see our
information regarding donations." which is:
(Link active November 21, 2003. Archived locally as: McVayNAILED)

This Internet site is maintained by The Holocaust History Project,Inc. The
Holocaust History Project, Inc. is a not for profit corporation organized under
the laws of the state of Texas and is recognized by the U.S. government as a
tax-exempt educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code. All contributions received from residents of the United States are
tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Holocaust History Project,
Inc. has no paid employees and is made possible by the efforts of the members
who contribute their time, skill, and money to develop one of the leading
resources for accurate historical information and original documents about the
Holocaust on the Internet. If you found this site useful and wish to help defray
the expenses of our work, contributions may be sent to:

Ralf P. Loserth, Treasurer
The Holocaust History Project, Inc.
600 Sandau Road
Suite 400
San Antonio, Texas 78216


Same address as Harry Mazal's web site!! BINGO!! How many lies have I exposed
Ken McVay in with this one post? I have each and every web page archived (snap
shotted) complete with all graphics and I gave all URLs for verification! McVay
lied and it should be obvious to the most clueless of McVay Sycophant Apologists
that Ken McVay did not pay taxes on $50,000 plus he denies ever receiving! Who
does pay tax on money never received? No one-- BUT McVay is documented as
receiving at least $50,000 directly from the San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund going by the news paper report and McVay's own web site content!
That was back ~seven years ago! What would be the interest penalty and fines
etc. on all those back taxes McVay obviously owes?

The term AUDIT keeps popping up in my mind!

Attention Canadian lurkers-- these are the contacts to report Ken McVay:
Auditor - CCRA: ***@pwgsc.gc.ca, ***@rc.gc.ca
For office phone numbers and addresses, please visit our "Contact us" page
at http://www.ccra.gc.ca/contact.
New addition February 6, 2004:
(Snail Mail Contact Info)
2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1A8
New addition for October 2005:
Call Mr.Philippe Robert
Special Investigations - Charities - CCRA
Phone : 1-800-267-2384, or 1-613-946-2423

Just send them this document AFTER you verify all I state is true along with
your complaint along with asking CCRA why they still haven't audited The Nizkor

You Canadian revenue payers are actually subsidizing the lying bum known as
Kenneth McVay!

Need I say more other than the only way this post will be replied to will be
with vicious peronal attacks against me and name calling directed at me instead
of McVay's defenders dealing with documented facts! That is all the Nizkor Bunch

Do you tax payers really want your tax dollars to subsidize a private citizen
who defames and insults people while on the dole from honest tax payers?


"[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more complicated-they're always
contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself becomes self-evident."
-- Ken McVay, director of the Nizkor Project
(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: peacenik13_2)

I.E. (From the documents above):

McVay says one thing:

"What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I
direct, has any association whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund."

That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very bright.

The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the United
States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money
from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"

AND Ken McVay's very own web site contradicts the above with:

Shofar FTP Archive File: people/m/mcvay.ken/press/express-news.960803

San Antonio Express-News
August 3, 1996
Page 10B

"Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten"
By Thomas Edwards
Express-News Staff Writer

"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a
solemn promise Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to
the Internet so that people will never forget the atrocities of
Nazi Germany.

Now his task has gotten a little easier with a $50,000 grant from
the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation to the Nizkor
Project, an international computer web site directed by the 55-
year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada...

YET Ken McVay says this concerning me: "What Mr. Bradbury has failed to
demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I direct, has any association
whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund." That is because
Mr. Bradbury is not very bright. ...Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has
ever received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" AND
"(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)"


As for McVay laughing at me I say: "He who laughs last- laughs best" and I have
exposed him rather well! LIVE WITH IT LIAR MCVAY!!

One sensible question is: How can McVay be trusted in other areas when he is
caught in so many lies?

----NIZKOR.ORG'S Ken McVay's Numerous Documented Lies Regarding His Funding----
(Archived locally as: McVaySlamDunked_A5 and McVaySlamDunked_A6)
Subject: SAAF San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund -- Some New Archives
and The Same Funding Lie by Ken McVay Exposed V3-0 T_0822
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 23 Aug 2005 04:32:17 GMT
Subject: NIZKOR.ORG Director Ken McVay Caught Lying About San Antonio
Connection! (Those Two U.S. Servers!) V3.0 Updated Links T_0625
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 26 Jun 2005 02:36:20 GMT
Subject: Nizkor Project Director Ken McVay's Sig Line Deceit Regarding Funding
of his Canadian Based Website V2.0 T_1230
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 30 Dec 2005 19:56:38 GMT

Subject: Nizkor LHR Fund; Just Another Self Serving FUND Like the Nizkor
Endowment and Trust Funds? V2.0 T_1002
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 3 Oct 2005 03:33:01 GMT

Subject: Is NIZKOR.ORG Running a Self Serving Endowment Fund Scam? You All be
the Judges! V2-0 Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 26 Jun 2005 18:49:41 GMT
(Actually the Nizkor Endowment Fund and the Nizkor Trust Fund should both be
renamed the Kenneth McVay Endowment Fund and the Kenneth McVay Trust Fund seeing
how the Nizkor Project is a web site solely operated by Kenneth McVay from a
back room of his personal residence. McVay is the sole recipient and beneficiary
of those two "bogus" funds!)
Why Ken Lewis was so vicious in his attacks against me in his defense of McVay;
he's evidently getting some of that laundered money too as indicated here:
Subject: Ken Lewis' Famous Last Words RE Ken McVay's Address AND Ken Lewis
Benefitting from McVay's Funding Scams? V2.0 T_1227
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 28 Dec 2005 05:21:28 GMT

Subject: NIZKOR.ORG and B'nai Brith's Apparent Funding Kick Backs and Tax Scam
V2.0 Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 26 Jun 2005 03:06:12 GMT
(The above details and documents the tax scheme invented and currently
perpetrated by B'nai Brith Canada and Kenneth McVay's Nizkor Project in which
B'nai Brith launders exempt donations and passes them to McVay as tax free even
though Ken McVay is not legally allowed to receive exempt donations. This is
more or less a similar tax scheme which resulted in criminal prosecutions.)

B'nai Brith has also funded communist David Lethbridge:
Subject: B'nai Brith Allies Itself With Communist David Lethbridge Against
America, Capitalism, and Christianity V3.0 T_0929
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:54:57 -0500
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

Subject: The Nizkor Project Deals in Forged Documents and Smear Financed With
Exempt Donations V4.0 T_1220
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 21 Dec 2005 05:29:58 GMT

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Joe Bruno
2006-03-15 22:28:22 UTC
Herr Doktor Tavische wrote:
Post by Herr Doktor Tavische
newsgroups: alt.revisionism
(Archived locally as: McCarthyNIZKOR)
Canadian income tax receipts will be issued.
In the United States, donations for the project's efforts should be
San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
American donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of
the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or
gifts are deductible for federal, estate, and gift tax purposes if
they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106 and
We very much appreciate your donations, which assist in the
development and enhancement of The Nizkor Project website. Thank You.
Jamie McCarthy http://www.absence.prismatix.com/jamie/
Also BTW Jamie McCarthy's web site <www.thhp.org> links right back to Harry
Mazal's web site in San Antonio and is proven with the donations link given at
(Special note November 21, 2003: If you click <www.thhp.org> you get redirected
to: http://www.holocaust-history.org/ ) [Archived locally as: thhpORGhome]
Now after being redirected scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the
link for: "If you are interested in making a donation, please see our
(Link active November 21, 2003. Archived locally as: McVayNAILED)
This Internet site is maintained by The Holocaust History Project,Inc. The
Holocaust History Project, Inc. is a not for profit corporation organized under
the laws of the state of Texas and is recognized by the U.S. government as a
tax-exempt educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code. All contributions received from residents of the United States are
tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Holocaust History Project,
Inc. has no paid employees and is made possible by the efforts of the members
who contribute their time, skill, and money to develop one of the leading
resources for accurate historical information and original documents about the
Holocaust on the Internet. If you found this site useful and wish to help defray
Ralf P. Loserth, Treasurer
The Holocaust History Project, Inc.
600 Sandau Road
Suite 400
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Same address as Harry Mazal's web site!! BINGO!! How many lies have I exposed
Ken McVay in with this one post? I have each and every web page archived (snap
shotted) complete with all graphics and I gave all URLs for verification! McVay
lied and it should be obvious to the most clueless of McVay Sycophant Apologists
that Ken McVay did not pay taxes on $50,000 plus he denies ever receiving! Who
does pay tax on money never received? No one-- BUT McVay is documented as
receiving at least $50,000 directly from the San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund going by the news paper report and McVay's own web site content!
That was back ~seven years ago! What would be the interest penalty and fines
etc. on all those back taxes McVay obviously owes?
The term AUDIT keeps popping up in my mind!
For office phone numbers and addresses, please visit our "Contact us" page
at http://www.ccra.gc.ca/contact.
(Snail Mail Contact Info)
2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1A8
Call Mr.Philippe Robert
Special Investigations - Charities - CCRA
Phone : 1-800-267-2384, or 1-613-946-2423
Just send them this document AFTER you verify all I state is true along with
your complaint along with asking CCRA why they still haven't audited The Nizkor
You Canadian revenue payers are actually subsidizing the lying bum known as
Kenneth McVay!
Need I say more other than the only way this post will be replied to will be
with vicious peronal attacks against me and name calling directed at me instead
of McVay's defenders dealing with documented facts! That is all the Nizkor Bunch
Do you tax payers really want your tax dollars to subsidize a private citizen
who defames and insults people while on the dole from honest tax payers?
"[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more complicated-they're always
contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself becomes self-evident."
-- Ken McVay, director of the Nizkor Project
(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: peacenik13_2)
"What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I
direct, has any association whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation -
Nizkor Fund."
That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very bright.
The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the United
States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money
from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"
Shofar FTP Archive File: people/m/mcvay.ken/press/express-news.960803
San Antonio Express-News
August 3, 1996
Page 10B
"Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten"
By Thomas Edwards
Express-News Staff Writer
"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a
solemn promise Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to
the Internet so that people will never forget the atrocities of
Nazi Germany.
Now his task has gotten a little easier with a $50,000 grant from
the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation to the Nizkor
Project, an international computer web site directed by the 55-
year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada...
YET Ken McVay says this concerning me: "What Mr. Bradbury has failed to
demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I direct, has any association
whatsoever with the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund." That is because
Mr. Bradbury is not very bright. ...Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has
ever received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" AND
"(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)"
As for McVay laughing at me I say: "He who laughs last- laughs best" and I have
exposed him rather well! LIVE WITH IT LIAR MCVAY!!
One sensible question is: How can McVay be trusted in other areas when he is
caught in so many lies?
----NIZKOR.ORG'S Ken McVay's Numerous Documented Lies Regarding His Funding----
(Archived locally as: McVaySlamDunked_A5 and McVaySlamDunked_A6)
Subject: SAAF San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund -- Some New Archives
and The Same Funding Lie by Ken McVay Exposed V3-0 T_0822
Date: 23 Aug 2005 04:32:17 GMT
Subject: NIZKOR.ORG Director Ken McVay Caught Lying About San Antonio
Connection! (Those Two U.S. Servers!) V3.0 Updated Links T_0625
Date: 26 Jun 2005 02:36:20 GMT
Subject: Nizkor Project Director Ken McVay's Sig Line Deceit Regarding Funding
of his Canadian Based Website V2.0 T_1230
Date: 30 Dec 2005 19:56:38 GMT
Subject: Nizkor LHR Fund; Just Another Self Serving FUND Like the Nizkor
Endowment and Trust Funds? V2.0 T_1002
Date: 3 Oct 2005 03:33:01 GMT
Subject: Is NIZKOR.ORG Running a Self Serving Endowment Fund Scam? You All be
Date: 26 Jun 2005 18:49:41 GMT
(Actually the Nizkor Endowment Fund and the Nizkor Trust Fund should both be
renamed the Kenneth McVay Endowment Fund and the Kenneth McVay Trust Fund seeing
how the Nizkor Project is a web site solely operated by Kenneth McVay from a
back room of his personal residence. McVay is the sole recipient and beneficiary
of those two "bogus" funds!)
Why Ken Lewis was so vicious in his attacks against me in his defense of McVay;
Subject: Ken Lewis' Famous Last Words RE Ken McVay's Address AND Ken Lewis
Benefitting from McVay's Funding Scams? V2.0 T_1227
Date: 28 Dec 2005 05:21:28 GMT
Subject: NIZKOR.ORG and B'nai Brith's Apparent Funding Kick Backs and Tax Scam
Date: 26 Jun 2005 03:06:12 GMT
(The above details and documents the tax scheme invented and currently
perpetrated by B'nai Brith Canada and Kenneth McVay's Nizkor Project in which
B'nai Brith launders exempt donations and passes them to McVay as tax free even
though Ken McVay is not legally allowed to receive exempt donations. This is
more or less a similar tax scheme which resulted in criminal prosecutions.)
Subject: B'nai Brith Allies Itself With Communist David Lethbridge Against
America, Capitalism, and Christianity V3.0 T_0929
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:54:57 -0500
Subject: The Nizkor Project Deals in Forged Documents and Smear Financed With
Exempt Donations V4.0 T_1220
Date: 21 Dec 2005 05:29:58 GMT
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Herr Doktor Tavische
2006-03-16 00:45:17 UTC
On 15 Mar 2006 14:28:22 -0800,
Post by Joe Bruno
Hurling insults won't make the truth go away!


Subject: $50,000+ Not Reported to CCRA by The Nizkor Project? Nizkor Director
Ken McVay is Lying About Funds He Has Apparently NOT Reported to CCRA!! SAAF
Reports are Further Proof! V5.0 U_0122
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 22 Jan 2006 09:24:36 GMT

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Herr Doktor Tavische
2006-03-16 16:52:04 UTC
On 16 Mar 2006 00:45:17 GMT, Herr Doktor Tavische
Post by Herr Doktor Tavische
On 15 Mar 2006 14:28:22 -0800,
Post by Joe Bruno
Hurling insults won't make the truth go away!
Subject: $50,000+ Not Reported to CCRA by The Nizkor Project? Nizkor Director
Ken McVay is Lying About Funds He Has Apparently NOT Reported to CCRA!! SAAF
Reports are Further Proof! V5.0 U_0122
Date: 22 Jan 2006 09:24:36 GMT
Reposting on the internet accusations isn't truth either, nor will
posting such ever make it the truth.
The above is fully documented you loser and in McVay's own words in many cases.

I.E. (Brief Excerpt):

From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Kenneth McVay, OBC)
Subject: STILL Waiting for Donnie..... (Or "Bradbury: Wrong Again")
Date: 5 Jan 2001 00:32:08 GMT
Organization: The Nizkor Project
Message-ID: <9334m8$1nm1$***@news.tht.net>
(Archived locally as: McVayEXHIBIT1)
Mr. Bradbury, wishing to demonstrate how ill-equipped he is to deal with
evidence of any sort... What Mr. Bradbury has failed to demonstrate is that The
Nizkor Project, which I direct, has any association whatsoever with the "San
Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund." That is because Mr. Bradbury is not very
bright... Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money
from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund"

As for Ken McVay's three bold faced lies: "(Lie 1) What Mr. Bradbury has failed
to demonstrate is that The Nizkor Project, which I direct, (Lie 2) has any
association whatsoever with the San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund...
(Lie 3) Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money
from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund."- I now prove McVay told
three lies with his own words:

(Archived locally as: SAAF_3)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: American funding for the Nizkor Project
Date: 1996/06/15
Message-ID: <4pvl6g$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project

In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566

(Archived locally as: SAAF_1)
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: The Nizkor Project appreciates your support
Date: 1996/09/05
Message-ID: <50n608$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
x-network: http://www.nizkor.org/
organization: The Nizkor Project

..In the United States, checks should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
We thank all of you who have sent your donations in support of the Nizkor
Project. The funds you have provided have been used to provide substantial
improvements in service.

From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: Nizkor Project financing and Kleinsorg's slandering Germans
Date: 1996/06/15
First tell us who is financing your Nizkor, then we perahps can
Thank you for bringing that up, Mr. Kleinsorg. I am financed
by thousands of "just plain folks" who wish to support my
work... In the United States, they make their cheques payable to:
and mail them to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
...By the way, Mr. Kleinsorg... now that I have responded openly
and honestly to your question, perhaps you can tell us what
difference it makes who finances my work... I fail to see
how my financing changes that.

"[W]hen you're living a lie, the lie has to get more complicated-they're always
contradicting themselves...so that the lie itself becomes self-evident."
-- Ken McVay, director of the Nizkor Project
(Link active November 20, 2003. Archived locally as: peacenik13_2)
Say didn't you have a hissy when some one made accusations against
Being accused of arson without merit is comparing apples to oranges but you are
too stupid to see the difference.


First Win: Tavish
Subject: Instant Replay -- Yosarian's First Defeat aka Re: Ken McVay Would
Rather Hurl Insults Than to Admit His MASTERS are Anti-Free-Speech Totalitarians
aka Re: BlubberBlather rejects democratic process
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 20 Feb 2006 04:48:28 GMT
Second Win: Tavish
Subject: Re: Yale F. Edeiken Inciting Violence Against Me In USENET Posts He
Signed!! (From My Archives) v2-0 U_0216
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 19 Feb 2006 02:36:38 GMT
Third Win: Tavish
Subject: Re: Scott Bradbury: Christian hating filth bag
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 3 Mar 2006 09:56:30 GMT
Fourth Win:

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
The Chief Instigator
2006-03-16 00:42:39 UTC
Post by Herr Doktor Tavische
Did NIZKOR.ORG Director Ken McVay Pay Tax On Those $50k+ Donations He Denies
Receiving From the San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund? Answer: Why would
anyone pay tax on money not received? The fact is-- McVay did receive $50,000
plus via the S.A.A.F. which he denies receiving so it is very compelling he
dodged taxes!!
Four Canadian newsgroups couldn't care less about the psychotic ravings of a
fat fraud in a Texas village.
Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey (***@io.com) Houston, Texas
chiefinstigator.us.tt/aeros.php (TCI's 2005-06 Houston Aeros)
LAST GAME: Omaha 6, Houston 1 (March 12)
NEXT GAME: Wednesday, March 15 at Chicago, 7:05