James Fenimoore
2007-06-10 21:13:57 UTC
Material obtained from the following Doc Tavish archives.
Subject: The Nizkor Project Director Ken McVay Caught Lying About "San Antonio Area
Foundation - Nizkor Fund" Big Time! v2.5 U_0315
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 15 Mar 2006 22:11:00 GMT
Subject: SAAF San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund -- Some New Archives and The
Same Funding Lie by Ken McVay Exposed
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 1 Jul 2005 22:09:52 GMT
Subject: $50,000+ Not Reported to CCRA by The Nizkor Project? Nizkor Director Ken
McVay is Lying About Funds He Has Apparently NOT Reported to CCRA!! SAAF Reports are
Further Proof! V5.0 U_0315
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 15 Mar 2006 21:47:42 GMT
The Nizkor Project - Kenneth McVay Director
P.O. Box 244, Station A
Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Canada
"...The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the
United States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any
money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio
Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to my knowledge... I have no
connection in San Antonio, and neither does Nizkor. Get used to it...
(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)"
Subject: Re: What did Kenny McVay do with money he claims he never got?
Reply-To: ***@nizkor.org
Organization: The Nizkor Project, http://www.nizkor.org/
Message-ID: <xO%P9.1985$***@news.nnrp.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
You claimed the above but you contradicted your bold faced lies you posted above
Put up or shut up, Mr. Giwer
... scientific standards, Mr. Giwer will agree to the immediate release of the
trust funds to the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund as a tax-exempt
donation. ... <<Tavish comment November 23, 2003: I thought Ken McVay has
claimed to not be associated with "the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund"
yet there is Ken McVay trying to get Mr. Giwer to donate!!>>
The above as well as the below are from your very own website too.
Shofar FTP Archive File: people/m/mcvay.ken/press/express-news.960803
San Antonio Express-News
August 3, 1996
Page 10B
"Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten"
By Thomas Edwards
Express-News Staff Writer
"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a
solemn promise Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to
the Internet so that people will never forget the atrocities of
Nazi Germany.
Now his task has gotten a little easier with a $50,000 grant from
the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation to the Nizkor
Project, an international computer web site directed by the 55-
year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada... <end>
Here are some posts you made regarding your funding via the "San Antonio Area
Foundation Nizkor Fund";
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: The Nizkor Project appreciates your support
Date: 1996/09/05
Message-ID: <50n608$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
x-network: http://www.nizkor.org/
organization: The Nizkor Project
x-search: http://search.nizkor.org/search.html
In the United States, checks should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
The funds you have provided have been used to provide substantial
improvements in service.
The Nizkor Project | http://www.nizkor.org/
(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_1 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_2)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: McVay Confirms Nizkor's ADL Connection: Mossad and ARA Also Allies.
Date: 1997/06/05
Message-ID: <5n6ib9$f3h$***@eclipse.txdirect.net>
X-Remember: http://www.nizkor.org/
Organization: The Nizkor Project
Nizkor Project are handled by the San Antonio Area Foundation, which
has no ties to the ADL. (Sorry, no banana)...
Nizkor Canada | http://www.nizkor.org
~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~
(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_3 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_4)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: Nizkor under B'nai B'rith auspices?!
Date: 1997/05/22
Message-ID: <5m1sqg$rse$***@eclipse.txdirect.net>
Organization: The Nizkor Project
_national_ funding is now managed by the B'nai Brith Foundation, in
Toronto. B'nai Brith Foundation does not, however, support Nizkor
financially - it simply receives donations from the public, issues
receipts if the donations exceed $10, and disperses donated funds as
In short, the B'nai Brith Foundation operates exactly as does the San
Antonio Area Foundation - as an umbrella organization dealing with
human rights organizations like Nizkor...
Frankly, I am gratified when Nizkor's data is attacked on the basis
of our funding partners - it is a clear indication that Holocaust
deniers would rather not deal with the convergence of data which
defines the event.
Posted and emailed.
Nizkor Canada | http://www.nizkor.org
~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: Re: McVay's Addresses & Phone Numbers again
Date: 1996/09/15
Message-ID: <51hqme$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project
In the United States, checks should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Tel: (210) 225-2243
Fax: (210) 225-1980
<<Tavish comment: Those phone numbers are the same ones that San Antonio Area
Foundation gives out at its web site YET McVay claims to have no connection with
the SAAF or to have ever received any funding from them!!!
http://www.saafdn.org/ (Archived locally as: SAAFinfo)
San Antonio Area Foundation
110 Broadway, Suite 230 | San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: 210.225.2243 Fax: 210.225.1980 Email: ***@saafdn.org >>
How about this whopper McVay?
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: American funding for the Nizkor Project
Date: 1996/06/15
Message-ID: <4pvl6g$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project
In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Notice the subject title you posted? -> "American funding for the Nizkor Project"
Notice you plainly stated "In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to: SAN ANTONIO AREA FOUNDATION - Nizkor Fund"?
Doc Tavish nailed you good. You deny receiving any money from SAAF so it is obvious
you didn't declare any of it in your tax returns because why would anyone pay tax on
money never received but you did receive money and you still do. Tax evasion is a
criminal offense in Canada as well as the United States.
Once again [briefly] you stated "Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever
received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San
Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me.." but as shown above you also stated
"American funding for the Nizkor Project... In the United States, checks in support
of the work of The Nizkor Project should be made payable to: SAN ANTONIO AREA
FOUNDATION - Nizkor Fund..." How do you explain the contradiction Liar McVay?
Did these people lie when they stated what they did regarding you getting funding via
From: ***@txdirect.net (Harry W. Mazal OBE)
Subject: Re: Attack on Alt.Revisionism -- Gate.Net Refuses to Help
Date: 1996/11/21
Message-ID: <***@news.txdirect.net>
Nizkor receives (very) modest donations from a number of sources.
Some are Jewish, most are not. If Mr. Giwer wishes to make a donation
to a non-synagogue based chapter of Nizkor, he may do so through the
San Antonio Area Foundation... Harry W. Mazal OBE
From: Laura Finsten <***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: Re: Yet another Nazional Appliance Illiteracy Alert!
Date: 1997/06/08
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.970608110523.5876A-***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
On Sat, 7 Jun 1997, Michael wrote:
you trying to smear the San Antonio Area Foundation which, ironically, has probably
provided more funding for the project since it has a far larger pool of donors to
draw upon.... <end>
Here is The Holocaust History Project member Richard Graves:
From: ***@disposable.com (Rich Graves)
Subject: Re: Nizkor: Who the Hell are these guys?
Date: 1997/01/08
Message-ID: <5b1345$***@Networking.Stanford.EDU>#1/1
organization: Fans of Nizkor, http://www.nizkor.org/objectives.html
Here is how to donate to the Nizkor Project:
In the United States, donations for the project's efforts should be
made payable to:
San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
American donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of
the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or
gifts are deductible for federal, estate, and gift tax purposes if
they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106 and
We very much appreciate your donations, which assist in the
development and enhancement of The Nizkor Project website. Thank
Here is former Nizkor volunteer Annie Alpert:
From: Annie Alpert <***@ccnis.net>
Subject: Yep was Re: Any answers yet?
Date: 1997/01/24
Message-ID: <***@ccnis.net>
The Nizkor Project is a designated fund under the umbrella of the San Antonio Area
Foundation, a charitable organization that manage funds and combines investments with
other charitable organizations' for maximum investment impact. Donations made to the
Foundation in the name of The Nizkor Project Fund will get to Nizkor if the San
Antonio Foundation approves of the way the money is to be spent. The San Antonio
Foundation will give tax receipts for donations to the San Antonio Foundation.
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Nizkor (USA) - An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
Nizkor Web: http://www.nizkor.org/
Official San Antonio Area Foundation annual financial reports also show the Nizkor
Fund as paying out as late as the year 2005. They haven't yet released their 2006
report yet.
Our mission: Helping donors achieve their charitable goals
Annual Report 2000
San Antonio Area Foundation
Growing to Give, Giving to Grow
Page 3
Fund Types
The San Antonio Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our
community through funding that impacts vital nonprofit organizations so they can help
people in time of need.
Discretionary Funds
These funds enable the Area Foundation to respond flexibly to changing community
needs and emergencies. Decisions on how to most appropriately use these funds are
left to the discretion of the Area Foundations Advisory Committees and Board of
Directors. Any size gift may be given as a discretionary gift. Youll find many
reasonable options for creating your own fund in the paragraphs that follow. However,
if you wish to contribute to the work of the Area Foundation and do not see an option
that suits your plan for giving, we invite you to contribute to an existing
discretionary fund. One of the many advantages of this type of giving is that there
is no minimum contribution you may give as little or as much as you wish, as often
as you wish.
Unrestricted Net Assets
AS OF DECEMBER 31 , 2000
Discretionary (unrestricted) 20 %
Donor Advised Funds 36 %
Designated Funds 4 %
Field of Interest Funds 23 %
Scholarship Funds 17 %
Page 4
Discretionary Funds
Alamo Fund
Phoebe P. and John H. Foster Memorial Fund
Nat and Mannie Goldsmith Memorial Trust
Ruth Lang Charitable Fund
Beulah M. and Felix J. Katz Memorial Trust
Beta and Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund
Nizkor Fund
Mary Kay Owens Memorial Fund
Gaynelle and Gene Rankin Endowment Trust
Post Office Box 120366 I San Antonio, Texas 78212
210-225-2243 I 210-225-1980 Fax
w w w. s a a f d n . o r g
The above was SAAF year 2000 report and Kenneth McVay posts in year 2002 "Neither The
Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the "San Antonio Area
Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me.."
Kenneth McVay Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
(Page 6 will show the Nizkor Fund) Kenneth McVay posts just two days before year 2002
ends "Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the
"San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio Area Foundation has
never paid me.." Kenneth McVay Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
The Nizkor Project is still shown as receiving funding from the San Antonio
Area Foundation Nizkor Fund in its 2005 Annual Report (Page 11) of which I
have a copy on file. You can download it here:
You have to be a tax evader McVay and no telling how many thousands of dollars you
haven't declared thus making your fellow Canadians subsidize your smear website
without their knowledge and consent.
See my post http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/msg/d134cc3ea03a185b
From: James Fenimoore <***@hotmail.com>
Subject: Nizkor Project Director Kenneth McVay is a Mamzer Totally Owned and
Controlled by Jews REPOST2
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 08:51:56 -0500
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Subject: The Nizkor Project Director Ken McVay Caught Lying About "San Antonio Area
Foundation - Nizkor Fund" Big Time! v2.5 U_0315
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 15 Mar 2006 22:11:00 GMT
Subject: SAAF San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund -- Some New Archives and The
Same Funding Lie by Ken McVay Exposed
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 1 Jul 2005 22:09:52 GMT
Subject: $50,000+ Not Reported to CCRA by The Nizkor Project? Nizkor Director Ken
McVay is Lying About Funds He Has Apparently NOT Reported to CCRA!! SAAF Reports are
Further Proof! V5.0 U_0315
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Date: 15 Mar 2006 21:47:42 GMT
The Nizkor Project - Kenneth McVay Director
P.O. Box 244, Station A
Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Canada
"...The Nizkor Project has no operations of any sort whatsoever within the
United States. Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any
money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio
Area Foundation has never paid me - or anyone else, to my knowledge... I have no
connection in San Antonio, and neither does Nizkor. Get used to it...
(This is kind of fun. You keep making an ass of yourself, and I'll keep
laughing at you.)"
Subject: Re: What did Kenny McVay do with money he claims he never got?
Reply-To: ***@nizkor.org
Organization: The Nizkor Project, http://www.nizkor.org/
Message-ID: <xO%P9.1985$***@news.nnrp.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
You claimed the above but you contradicted your bold faced lies you posted above
Put up or shut up, Mr. Giwer
... scientific standards, Mr. Giwer will agree to the immediate release of the
trust funds to the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund as a tax-exempt
donation. ... <<Tavish comment November 23, 2003: I thought Ken McVay has
claimed to not be associated with "the San Antonio Area Foundation Nizkor Fund"
yet there is Ken McVay trying to get Mr. Giwer to donate!!>>
The above as well as the below are from your very own website too.
Shofar FTP Archive File: people/m/mcvay.ken/press/express-news.960803
San Antonio Express-News
August 3, 1996
Page 10B
"Internet project won't let Holocaust be forgotten"
By Thomas Edwards
Express-News Staff Writer
"Nizkor" in Hebrew means "we will remember," but it is also a
solemn promise Holocaust researcher Kenneth McVay has taken to
the Internet so that people will never forget the atrocities of
Nazi Germany.
Now his task has gotten a little easier with a $50,000 grant from
the philanthropic San Antonio Area Foundation to the Nizkor
Project, an international computer web site directed by the 55-
year-old McVay from his home in Vancouver Island, Canada... <end>
Here are some posts you made regarding your funding via the "San Antonio Area
Foundation Nizkor Fund";
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: The Nizkor Project appreciates your support
Date: 1996/09/05
Message-ID: <50n608$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
x-network: http://www.nizkor.org/
organization: The Nizkor Project
x-search: http://search.nizkor.org/search.html
In the United States, checks should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
The funds you have provided have been used to provide substantial
improvements in service.
The Nizkor Project | http://www.nizkor.org/
(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_1 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_2)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: McVay Confirms Nizkor's ADL Connection: Mossad and ARA Also Allies.
Date: 1997/06/05
Message-ID: <5n6ib9$f3h$***@eclipse.txdirect.net>
X-Remember: http://www.nizkor.org/
Organization: The Nizkor Project
McVay admits the ADL collects and disburses the money to Nizkor. Just
The ADL is an American organization. American funds donated to TheNizkor Project are handled by the San Antonio Area Foundation, which
has no ties to the ADL. (Sorry, no banana)...
Nizkor Canada | http://www.nizkor.org
~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~
(Archived locally as: McVayAdmitsSAAF_3 and McVayAdmitsSAAF_4)
From: ***@veritas.nizkor.org (Ken McVay)
Subject: Re: Nizkor under B'nai B'rith auspices?!
Date: 1997/05/22
Message-ID: <5m1sqg$rse$***@eclipse.txdirect.net>
Organization: The Nizkor Project
As you could tell from the Nizkor web page, Nizkor's funding in Canada
is now coordinated through the Zikaron Tolerance and Remembrance Society,
an independent organization. In the United States, it is channeled
through the Nizkor Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation, which is a San
Antonio umbrella organization something like the United Way.
Zikaron remains a supporter of the Nizkor Project, but Canadianis now coordinated through the Zikaron Tolerance and Remembrance Society,
an independent organization. In the United States, it is channeled
through the Nizkor Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation, which is a San
Antonio umbrella organization something like the United Way.
_national_ funding is now managed by the B'nai Brith Foundation, in
Toronto. B'nai Brith Foundation does not, however, support Nizkor
financially - it simply receives donations from the public, issues
receipts if the donations exceed $10, and disperses donated funds as
In short, the B'nai Brith Foundation operates exactly as does the San
Antonio Area Foundation - as an umbrella organization dealing with
human rights organizations like Nizkor...
Frankly, I am gratified when Nizkor's data is attacked on the basis
of our funding partners - it is a clear indication that Holocaust
deniers would rather not deal with the convergence of data which
defines the event.
Posted and emailed.
Nizkor Canada | http://www.nizkor.org
~~End of GOOGLE Archival Excerpt~~
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: Re: McVay's Addresses & Phone Numbers again
Date: 1996/09/15
Message-ID: <51hqme$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project
In the United States, checks should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Tel: (210) 225-2243
Fax: (210) 225-1980
<<Tavish comment: Those phone numbers are the same ones that San Antonio Area
Foundation gives out at its web site YET McVay claims to have no connection with
the SAAF or to have ever received any funding from them!!!
http://www.saafdn.org/ (Archived locally as: SAAFinfo)
San Antonio Area Foundation
110 Broadway, Suite 230 | San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: 210.225.2243 Fax: 210.225.1980 Email: ***@saafdn.org >>
How about this whopper McVay?
From: ***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca (Ken McVay OBC)
Subject: American funding for the Nizkor Project
Date: 1996/06/15
Message-ID: <4pvl6g$***@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>
organization: The Nizkor Project
In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to:
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Notice the subject title you posted? -> "American funding for the Nizkor Project"
Notice you plainly stated "In the United States, checks in support of the work of The
Nizkor Project should be made payable to: SAN ANTONIO AREA FOUNDATION - Nizkor Fund"?
Doc Tavish nailed you good. You deny receiving any money from SAAF so it is obvious
you didn't declare any of it in your tax returns because why would anyone pay tax on
money never received but you did receive money and you still do. Tax evasion is a
criminal offense in Canada as well as the United States.
Once again [briefly] you stated "Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever
received any money from the "San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San
Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me.." but as shown above you also stated
"American funding for the Nizkor Project... In the United States, checks in support
of the work of The Nizkor Project should be made payable to: SAN ANTONIO AREA
FOUNDATION - Nizkor Fund..." How do you explain the contradiction Liar McVay?
Did these people lie when they stated what they did regarding you getting funding via
From: ***@txdirect.net (Harry W. Mazal OBE)
Subject: Re: Attack on Alt.Revisionism -- Gate.Net Refuses to Help
Date: 1996/11/21
Message-ID: <***@news.txdirect.net>
Nizkor receives (very) modest donations from a number of sources.
Some are Jewish, most are not. If Mr. Giwer wishes to make a donation
to a non-synagogue based chapter of Nizkor, he may do so through the
San Antonio Area Foundation... Harry W. Mazal OBE
From: Laura Finsten <***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: Re: Yet another Nazional Appliance Illiteracy Alert!
Date: 1997/06/08
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.970608110523.5876A-***@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
On Sat, 7 Jun 1997, Michael wrote:
All your b s aside above (as though Bnai Brith only took checks and
gave them to Nizkor; all innocent and stuff. Ask any professional who
deals with not-for-profits about the ease of shuffling funds.)
I have no idea how common such "shuffling [of] funds" may be... I don't see any ofgave them to Nizkor; all innocent and stuff. Ask any professional who
deals with not-for-profits about the ease of shuffling funds.)
you trying to smear the San Antonio Area Foundation which, ironically, has probably
provided more funding for the project since it has a far larger pool of donors to
draw upon.... <end>
Here is The Holocaust History Project member Richard Graves:
From: ***@disposable.com (Rich Graves)
Subject: Re: Nizkor: Who the Hell are these guys?
Date: 1997/01/08
Message-ID: <5b1345$***@Networking.Stanford.EDU>#1/1
organization: Fans of Nizkor, http://www.nizkor.org/objectives.html
Here is how to donate to the Nizkor Project:
In the United States, donations for the project's efforts should be
made payable to:
San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund
and should be mailed to:
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
American donors may deduct contributions as provided in section 170 of
the Internal Revenue Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or
gifts are deductible for federal, estate, and gift tax purposes if
they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055, 2106 and
We very much appreciate your donations, which assist in the
development and enhancement of The Nizkor Project website. Thank
Here is former Nizkor volunteer Annie Alpert:
From: Annie Alpert <***@ccnis.net>
Subject: Yep was Re: Any answers yet?
Date: 1997/01/24
Message-ID: <***@ccnis.net>
The Nizkor Project is a designated fund under the umbrella of the San Antonio Area
Foundation, a charitable organization that manage funds and combines investments with
other charitable organizations' for maximum investment impact. Donations made to the
Foundation in the name of The Nizkor Project Fund will get to Nizkor if the San
Antonio Foundation approves of the way the money is to be spent. The San Antonio
Foundation will give tax receipts for donations to the San Antonio Foundation.
San Antonio Area Foundation
Nizkor Fund
P.O. Box 120366
San Antonio, TX 78212-9566
Nizkor (USA) - An Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource
Nizkor Web: http://www.nizkor.org/
Official San Antonio Area Foundation annual financial reports also show the Nizkor
Fund as paying out as late as the year 2005. They haven't yet released their 2006
report yet.
Our mission: Helping donors achieve their charitable goals
Annual Report 2000
San Antonio Area Foundation
Growing to Give, Giving to Grow
Page 3
Fund Types
The San Antonio Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our
community through funding that impacts vital nonprofit organizations so they can help
people in time of need.
Discretionary Funds
These funds enable the Area Foundation to respond flexibly to changing community
needs and emergencies. Decisions on how to most appropriately use these funds are
left to the discretion of the Area Foundations Advisory Committees and Board of
Directors. Any size gift may be given as a discretionary gift. Youll find many
reasonable options for creating your own fund in the paragraphs that follow. However,
if you wish to contribute to the work of the Area Foundation and do not see an option
that suits your plan for giving, we invite you to contribute to an existing
discretionary fund. One of the many advantages of this type of giving is that there
is no minimum contribution you may give as little or as much as you wish, as often
as you wish.
Unrestricted Net Assets
AS OF DECEMBER 31 , 2000
Discretionary (unrestricted) 20 %
Donor Advised Funds 36 %
Designated Funds 4 %
Field of Interest Funds 23 %
Scholarship Funds 17 %
Page 4
Discretionary Funds
Alamo Fund
Phoebe P. and John H. Foster Memorial Fund
Nat and Mannie Goldsmith Memorial Trust
Ruth Lang Charitable Fund
Beulah M. and Felix J. Katz Memorial Trust
Beta and Melvin Leazar Memorial Fund
Nizkor Fund
Mary Kay Owens Memorial Fund
Gaynelle and Gene Rankin Endowment Trust
Post Office Box 120366 I San Antonio, Texas 78212
210-225-2243 I 210-225-1980 Fax
w w w. s a a f d n . o r g
The above was SAAF year 2000 report and Kenneth McVay posts in year 2002 "Neither The
Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the "San Antonio Area
Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio Area Foundation has never paid me.."
Kenneth McVay Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
(Page 6 will show the Nizkor Fund) Kenneth McVay posts just two days before year 2002
ends "Neither The Nizkor Project nor Ken McVay has ever received any money from the
"San Antonio Area Foundation - Nizkor Fund" ...The San Antonio Area Foundation has
never paid me.." Kenneth McVay Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:57:49 GMT
The Nizkor Project is still shown as receiving funding from the San Antonio
Area Foundation Nizkor Fund in its 2005 Annual Report (Page 11) of which I
have a copy on file. You can download it here:
You have to be a tax evader McVay and no telling how many thousands of dollars you
haven't declared thus making your fellow Canadians subsidize your smear website
without their knowledge and consent.
See my post http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/msg/d134cc3ea03a185b
From: James Fenimoore <***@hotmail.com>
Subject: Nizkor Project Director Kenneth McVay is a Mamzer Totally Owned and
Controlled by Jews REPOST2
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 08:51:56 -0500
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>